Where in the world has the last month gone? Since Connor was born, time has been a very complicated and tricky opponent. On one hand, I am amazed that Connor is already a month old. It doesn't seem like it was that long ago that we brought him home and he christened our house with a 6 hour crying session that first night. On the other hand, it seems like it has been ages since we planned a day without keeping in mind when Connor had to eat or sleep, or left the house without a large bag filled mostly with things that we wouldn't need unless there was a nuclear apocalypse (or a poop disaster, but those are pretty comparable, right??).
Connor decided that for his 1-month birthday he wanted to go to Buffalo Wild Wings and watch the USA vs Mexico soccer match. Sara and I were happy to oblige as it had been a week or so since we'd gotten ourselves out of the house for any measurable period of time. As we've found is typical with a baby in tow, we arrived 15 minutes late for the start of the game, but enjoyed the rest of the first half and the beginning of the second. Now, I can't say if it was the American's poor play, or perhaps just a baby being a baby, but about halfway through the second half Connor decided that he had had enough soccer for one day, so we packed the diaper bag back up and headed home for some quiet time.
The rest of the past week was actually pretty packed, as Sara managed to plan something or other for almost every day. On Tuesday she went to her first mommy and me class, where Connor was a model student by sleeping through nearly the entire two and a half hours; Tuesday night saw Sara's boss and his wife stop by for about an hour; Wednesday Sara went in to her office for lunch and introduced her coworkers to the little guy, and as we recapped later Connor was passed around between all the women and all the men with children, but all the single guys or guys without kids managed a quick pat on the head and a "No, I don't want to hold him when so many other people are so eager" (and to think that was me about 6 weeks ago); Thursday Sara went down to Orange County for the day, their first big car ride just the two of them, and Connor got to meet Kara, Alaina, Iris and Patsy; and on Friday Connor had a big photoshoot as Sara and I try to figure out birth announcements, which I'm sure we'll have out before he turns 1 year old.
A few other random thoughts as we look back on our first month as parents:
- Why is it that little boys love peeing when their diaper is taken off? We can't get him to sleep for the same amount of time or eat for the same amount of time or play for the same amount of time, but like clockwork, you take that diaper off and can expect a rude awakening if you aren't on your toes.
- Why can't evolution figure out a baby head that doesn't flop all over the place? You think you've got him cradled, he jostles himself, and just like that his head is nearly in a poltergeist position, lolling over at a 90 degree angle and you're worried it could fall off at any moment (although I'm sure if you left him like that he'd pass out soon enough, it seems that no position is too uncomfortable for sleeping when he's tired).
- How can a baby be so uncoordinated doing almost everything, but put them in a swaddle and within minutes they become Harry Houdini. Arms start popping out corners, little legs are kicking, and all of a sudden you've got a baby with arms and legs going everywhere.
- Not sure if any other parents do this, but I've taken to asking for the bill almost immediately upon ordering at restaurants, because one never knows when the peaceful, serene baby will turn into the screeching, everyone looking at you, won't calm down no matter what child.
- How can a cross eyed, scrunched up partial smile showing off a mouth with no teeth be the most heart melting thing you've ever seen? As Connor has started being more alert in the past week or two, Sara and I both just love looking at him, seeing the ridiculous facial expressions he makes, how he furrows his brow, or how he gets a startled look when something surprises him.
Well, now we are on to the weeks and months ahead. A few photos below to show our growing boy.
(See, I told you, Houdini)