Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Week at Home

After a couple of weekends in a row of being out of town, it was great to be at home for a full week, not having to worry about getting things ready for packing.  Not that we would use this time to relax, that wouldn't be our style.

On Tuesday Sara and Connor went to the Manhattan Beach Farmer's Market for mommy and me class.  Connor spent most of the time in his infant carrier, and Sara wandered with the other moms enjoying such delicacies as kettle corn.  Sara also discovered that you apparently must have a child/stroller in order to be allowed into the Farmer's Market, as the street became a zoo of Bobs.

Wednesday night the three of us went out to dinner at Tin Roof Bistro in Manhattan Beach.  We timed the meal after a feeding, and expected Connor to fall asleep in the car on the way to the restaurant.  Connor, however, had other ideas, and decided this would be the one time when he would cry while driving around.  By the time that we got to the restaurant we were almost ready to turn around and head home, as we didn't want to be the people who couldn't do anything to calm their crying child.  We talked for a minute and decided to tempt fate anyways, popping Connor is his stroller and heading towards the front door.  Remarkably, the stroller accomplished what the car was unable to, and Connor quieted right down.  He stayed awake the whole time in the restaurant, looking around and enjoying the noises.  No crying, no fussing (although to be fair, it was pretty loud in the restaurant, so we may just have not heard him).  We had a nice dinner out, staying at the restaurant for a little over our hour, and as we left we considered the evening a huge success.

On Friday Sara, Connor and I met up with a few friends from KPFF at Chipotle for lunch.  Connor struggled to decide between chicken and barbacoa, but the rest of the lunch was pretty uneventful.  Connor was able to meet Claudia, Yungmoon and Kane, who was even able to hold Connor without dropping him or totally freaking out.

Saturday was a big day around the Means household.  Grandma Joni came up around 11am to spend the day with us, and to babysit on Saturday night while Sara and I went on a double date with Mike and Jess.  Since Joni got there so early, Sara and I were able to get a run in together for the first time since she was 5 months pregnant.  This is something we used to do 3 or 4 times a week together, so it was great to be able to be out together again, and it makes me excited for when Connor will be able to join us in his running stroller.

Saturday afternoon was pretty low key, with Sara and I doing some chores around the house and running a couple of errands.  We also threw a Harry Potter movie on to get in the mood for the final chapter that night.  Around 5:45pm Sara fed Connor, and then after that Sara and I hopped in the car and headed to Salt Creek Grille to meet up with Mike and Jess.  We had a very nice dinner and enjoyed relaxing without having to worry if the baby was going to start crying at any moment.  After dinner we headed to the theater for the last Harry Potter movie.  We both enjoyed it, Sara avoided crying too much (because of the movie, not because of leaving the baby), and she only checked her phone every 15 minutes or so.  I was proud.  We got home around 10:30pm and found Connor sleeping soundly in his crib.  It was definitely weird to be away from the little guy, but it was nice to spend a little time with just the two of us, remembering what it's like to be a married couple instead of parents.  Joni, a special thank you for allowing us to feel totally comfortable while we were out of the house, knowing that Connor was in capable hands.

Sunday morning was a typical Colin type of day.  We woke up and flipped on the British Open, so Connor and I plopped down on the couch for a little male bonding.  Connor was able to experience the frustration of cheering for Phil Mickelson, or at least feel frustrated energy channel through his father, as Mickleson made an early morning charge only to fall a little short.  After the golf was over we quickly got Connor into his 4th of July outfit which also acted as a perfect onesie for the Women's World Cup final.  It seems that sports isn't going to tease Connor into thinking that all his favorites will win all the time, as the USA lost in heartbreaking fashion.  As a role model I think I only yelled at the television a handful of times, which I felt was progress.

On Sunday afternoon we managed to cram one more event into the weekend as we drove over to Craig and Gretchen's house in Manhattan Beach.  From there the 6 of us (the 4 adults, Connor and Craig and Gretchen's 4 month old son Tyler) walked to a park close by there house where they have free concerts on Sunday evenings during the summer.  We packed picnics and blankets and hung out on the grass and listened to renditions of 1980s country songs.  Connor seemed to enjoy the music when he wasn't sleeping, and it was a great day to be outside for a few hours.  After the concert ended we headed home to get ready for another week ahead.

It is amazing to think that Connor is closing in on being 2 months old.  He's become so much more alert and aware in the past couple of weeks, smiling a ton more and learning to watch his mobile and focus on toys.  He's able to hold his head up much better than before, seems like he really wants to roll over and seems to respond when we talk to him.  Cannot wait for all the exciting times ahead.

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